On the Cover of Science Translational Medicine


You can judge this book by its cover.

We’re thrilled to share that our work has been selected for the cover of the latest issue of Science Translational Medicine.

This AAAS journal covers basic, translational, and clinical research on human diseases. In collaboration with Emulate, we developed a cover that expresses some of the key functionality that occurs inside their microfluidic Organ-Chips. Their research article “Reproducing human and cross-species drug toxicities using a Liver-Chip” outlines the benefits Organ-Chips have in modernizing drug development pipelines. Data published in it demonstrates that a Liver-Chip predicted human toxicity undetected in animals for drugs halted in clinical trials. This is an important step in paving the way for a more human-relevant alternative for animal testing in drug development.


Brett Clair

Brett is a medical illustrator and animator, and founder of Living Thing. He’s worked for over a decade across many industries, including medical device, biotech, defense and academia.


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